
Spring 2019 in the Squash & Fitness Centre

If you want to look your best this summer, the time to start your fitness journey is NOW!

Starting this April at the WHCA Squash & Fitness Centre, you can join some of our best group fitness classes yet. Many of the favourites are making their return this spring, as well as some new additions to the lineup. Register with your WHCA Family Membership and get in on the grind for only $13 per class.

New this spring is Family-Friendly Spin; a day-time spin class that you can bring your kids to! We’ll also be seeing the return of the very popular Tot Yoga as well as the renamed Yoga Strength & Stretch. To see all of the programs this spring, get more information on what’s available, and register online, visit and find the programs in the table.

There’s no better time to get active than now! Take advantage of our great spring weather to come on down to the Squash & Fitness Centre and get after those summer fitness goals with the help of our Fitness Centre instructors and great programs!

A New Take on Spin at the WHCA

Are you having trouble finding the time to workout and can’t always arrange a babysitter? Well we’ve got you covered! Stop by the WHCA in April and check out our 3-week mini-session of Family-Friendly WHCA Spin!

Bring your kids along with you to this 45-minute instructor-lead spin class on our new top-of-the-line spin bikes. This class will keep your kids occupied while you participate in a sweat-inducing workout that can be tailored to all fitness levels. We’re running this class currently as a mini-session, but depending on the level of interest we receive, we may consider running it year-round! So if you’re interested, come on out!

Family-Friendly Spin runs Tuesday mornings from 9:15 to 10 AM, April 9th until the 23rd. $39 for non-members, only $35.10 with a valid WHCA Family Membership.

To register, visit or stop by the Squash & Fitness Centre today!

February Health Club Updates

Here’s your brief February update of some of the new additions and changes that have been made to the health club so far in 2019!

First and foremost, due to feedback from health club members, we will be opening the doors half an hour earlier during weekday mornings. This means you will be able to access the health club at 6:30 am instead of 7 am so you’ll have an opportunity to get your workout in to kick off your day! This is why feedback is so important from our members because it allows us to provide you with the services you want and makes us the best Community Association we can be! So thanks to all who spoke up!

There is now Black Knight squash equipment available for purchase/rental in the health club! Equipment includes 3 different racquets, eye guards, grips, wraps, and more! We want the health club to be your one-stop shop for all things squash, and with these new additions, we’re almost there. Stop by the front desk today and check out the new squash display for yourself, there’s some great stuff available.

We are now offering 45-minute squash training sessions for only $5! These group squash clinics are available Tuesday mornings at 9:30 and 10:30 am. Due to the nature of this program, it will have limited spots and it’s strictly first-come first-serve. For $5, you’ll certainly get your money’s worth as you’ll learn skills from our fantastic squash pros, hands-on! Must be a WHCA Member to participate.

Also, don’t forget that throughout 2019, group fitness classes will all have a $13 drop-in fee, no membership required. That means you don’t have to commit, you can bring a friend or family member along, or try something new for just $13! Also, members receive 10% off registration for group fitness classes. Keep these changes in mind and try something new this year!

The WHCA Squash Championship has ONE spot remaining for registration, so we are keeping registration open to give members a chance to fill it! If you or a squash-playing friend doesn’t want to miss their opportunity to be the next Squash Champ, register TODAY and don’t get stuck waiting around until next year!

For more info on the health club throughout 2019, check the health club page, swing by the front desk, follow us on social media, or give us a call!

See you on the court.

Changes are Coming to the WHCA Health Club!

We are excited to share with you the new changes that are taking place at the WHCA Health Club in 2019. Instead of offering limited-time monthly promotions for health club classes, the WHCA is instead offering unlimited-time discounts for group fitness classes. You can participate in the great group fitness classes for only $13 per class with WHCA members receiving an additional 10% off the regular price. This great discount includes the brand new spin classes offered in the new year.

The new line-up of programs are currently open for registration, so be sure to check them out and take advantage of the new promotions! This is the perfect opportunity to get a head-start on your health and fitness goals for the new year. Be sure to let your friends and family know about these great classes so they don’t miss out either! For more details on classes and how to register, see below:

Girlfriend FitnessMonday Afternoon

Girlfriend Fitness is a fun, high energy workout and excellent cross training. Learn how to exercise properly, gain confidence and build a strong healthy body. Classes will incorporate strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness using body weight & dumbbells, as well as spin bikes. All levels welcome. Bring your friends and stay strong together.  Ages: 13 to 17 years
Dates:             January 7 – March 18 (no class Feb. 18th)
Time:              4:00 – 4:45pm
Location:    Hospitality Room
Instructor:     Christine
Participant maximum: 10

Weight Room InterVAL TrainingTuesday and/or Thursday Morning
Push and pull your way into a fitter, stronger YOU, in this strength based class.
Val will guide you how to use equipment correctly. Whether you are new to the weight room or experienced, this class will meet your challenge. You can sign once per week, or for 2x per week for a great deal!
Dates:             January 8 – March 21
Time:              9:30am – 10:30am
Location:    Weight Room upstairs in health club
Instructor:     Val
Participant maximum: 10
Register Tuesdays:

Register Thursdays:

Register Both T/Th:  

Cardio Dance & Barre – Wednesday Morning
Can’t decide which exercise is the right one for you? Cardio, Dance & Barre is the class for you! Focusing on total body conditioning with dance moves to get you in the groove. Then move to the barre to help sculpt your muscles and transform your entire body, head to toe. In this circuit class, Rahmi will incorporate loads of fun with motivating music
Dates:             January 9 – March 20
Time:           9:30 – 10:30am
Location:     Dance Studio
Instructor:     Rahmi
Participant maximum: 15

Push Up Yoga – Wednesday Afternoon
Based on the 8 limbs of yoga, focuses on the complete practice of yoga and merges the breath, mind, body. Vandana will include warm up exercises, followed by asana practice, finishing up with relaxation and meditation/mindfulness exercises.
A great way to start your day with positive mindset, bringing in unity to your mind, body and your spirit.
Dates:             January 9 – March 20
Time:           12:45pm –1:45pm
Location:     Hospitality room
Instructor:     Vandana
Participant maximum: 15

Ride & Ripped – Wednesday Evening
This class will get your heart pumping and muscles glowing with this group cycling/strength class. This low impact class can accommodate all ability levels, where participants can modify the bikes and weight resistance to meet their own personal workout/training needs. Bring your energy, water bottle and prepare to have a blast in this 50-minute class.
Dates:             January 9 – March 20
Time:              6:10 – 7:00pm
Location:     Hospitality room
Instructor:     Sara
Participant maximum: 10

HIIT Bootcamp Xpress –  Thursday Evening
This fast paced 45-minute class, Christine will have you challenge every muscle group, utilizing body weight, bosu Balls, kettlebells, bands, and weights while always incorporating bursts of cardio to improve strength, cardio, and coordination.
Dates:             January 10 – March 21
Time:              5:40 – 6:25pm
Location:       Dance studio
Instructor:     Christine
Participant maximum: 15

Tot Yoga (un-parented) – Friday Afternoon
This yoga program is composed of a series of classes intended for children ages 3-6. It covers introduction to the basics of yoga, breathing exercises and setting intentions aimed to foster community building. The classes are also geared towards empowerment in learning by reaching into the learning style of each and every child through integration of music, art, science, literacy and much more
Time:              3:00pm – 4:00pm
Location:       Upper studio A (beside the WHCA preschool)
Instructor:     Ana
Participant maximum: 10
Dates:  Winter (Session 1) Jan 11 – Feb 8
Winter (Session 2) Feb 22 – Mar 22

To register online, log onto, or via phone 403-283-0464 ext 1

Register for Your October Health Club Classes

It’s true… October is here and it’s well on its’ way.  Even though the days seem to be flying by, be sure to schedule your flight into the West Hillhurst Community Association Health club to try their exciting October classes!  Sign up today by checking the full schedule here or by contacting the Health Club.

And look what the Health Club added especially and exclusively for October until December:

Monday 6:10 p.m. – 6:55 p.m. Critical Allignment Non-members – $60.00 Members – $45.00 October 22 – December 17
Wednesday 6:10 p.m. – 6:55 p.m. Choreographed Cycle Non-members – $60.00 Members – $45.00 October 17 – December 19
Friday 6:10 p.m. – 6:55 p.m. Critical Allignment Non-members – $60.00 Members – $45.00 October 19 – December 14

The October Health Club Special

It’s the first of October and we all know what that means…. There is a new West Hillhurst Community Association Health Club monthly promotion!  Get in the groove of your fall work out with this awesome promotion!  Be sure to contact the Health Club for more information or take advantage of this deal.

Workout at your own pace and take advantage of a personal session with one of WHCA amazing personal trainers.  Do you want to find out more about Christine or Doug?  Check out their bio’s here.

FREE Member Classes in September

Are you a member of the WHCA?  Are you looking to get your membership soon?  Did you know that there are exclusive benefits for our members?

Coming in September, two workout classes will be included in your membership.  Take some time for yourself and learn he beautiful techniques of Tai Chi and Yuan Gong.  Experience a zen-like approach to your workout and help relax and settle your mind.  Starting in September, WHCA members can register for these FREE classes!

To register, please contact or 403.283.0464 ext 4
Need to purchase your WHCA membership?  You can do so by seeing us in the office, by calling 403.283.0464 or online.

NEW July WHCA Health Club Classes

July is here and so are the new classes at the West Hillhurst Community Association’s Health Club!  Get your body moving with the unique classes offered for the month of June.  Check out the poster and schedule below!

For more information and to register, please contact 403.283.0464 ext 1

June Fitness Class at the WHCA Health Club

The West Hillhurst Health Club has updated their programs for June.  Check out the poster below to see what the fitness club is offering for their June classes.

For more information and to register, please contact or via phone at 40.283.0464 ext 1.