
Spread the Love

We, as people, should always showcase care, love, appreciation and respect to our partners, friends and strangers, but February 14 or St. Valentine Day is the annual traditional day when we show such emotions to our loved ones.  It’s a special day where extended efforts are passed along, flower shops empty, chocolate & candy is given and often, a date night to a beautiful restaurant for dinner is had.

Growing up, Valentine’s Day was one of my favourite days in school as we all got to exchange Valentine’s cards, candy and often had a movie afternoon.  I, as a child, did not have much knowledge of the day and sadly that continues today.

As reported on the History Channel website, “The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition….

DID YOU KNOW?! “Approximately 150 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas.”

Have you been procrastinating and still have no idea what to do for the evening?  Here are some of my traditional and non-traditional gifts and date ideas.

Dinner date at a fine dining restaurant – Take a chance and try something different.  Go to a restaurant that one wouldn’t normally go to.  Experiment with the type of food that you would usually eat.  Have fun with not only showing your love to your partner, but build a memory that is original to your life.
Stay-in, order-in and pretend it is the weekend – Why not create a romantic evening at home?  Set out tea-lights or other candles.  Getting a bouquet of flowers?  Why not take a couple of the pedals and lay them around the house?  Order in your favourite food, play some video or board games, throw on a movie and watch one’s favourite shows.  This will be a relaxing but romantic way to just spend time together.
Take an evening walk – Bundle up and choose a favourite park, path or area in the city and go for a late night walk.  The cool fresh air is the perfect excuse to cuddle up or hold hands.  Enjoy the sights and sounds of wilderness, while appreciating the connection and presence of each other.
Head out for a treat – If you and your significant other decided to take it easy and just enjoy each other’s company, why not enjoy it with your favourite treat.  Head out for ice cream or pick up your favourite snacks to share together on the couch.
Take a weekend vacation – Is Valentine’s Day too commercialized for you?  Why not take the traditional ‘love’ day and make it a weekend event.  Head of town to your favourite tourist destination and spend a weekend together.  What about going ice fishing?  There are so many non-traditional ways to have fun on Valentine’s Day, so have fun with it.

Of course, these are just a couple of simple ideas that I had.  I try to do something different every year, so it’s important to let the readers know that they can too.

What do you do on Valentine’s Day?  Do you celebrate more traditionally or do you like breaking the molds of it?    Tell us what you do to celebrate the day.