
Calgary in May

The city of Calgary is always bustling with events, festivities and more.  Are you looking for local things to do?  No plans over the weekends in May?  If you looking to fill your weekends and have already booked in WHCA events, check out what else is happening around the city.  Thank you to Tourism Calgary for their schedule of events.  Want to see the full scheduled of events going on in the city?

Click here for further ideas!

Destination Canada

Spring continues its’ slow arrival across much of Canada.  Like most of us, we are in need of that warm weather.  I, for-one, wake up, check the long-range forecast and hope the temperatures are suppose to continue rising.  Some of you, known as snowbirds, are already ready to go back to somewhere warmer than here.

Well, if Mother-Nature gets back onto her normalized routine, most of Canada show be finally seeing some heat and t-shirt weather.  Are you looking to take a spring-getaway, but want to stay home because of that low-balling Canadian dollar?

I have linked the top 10 Best Canada Spring locations take a little vacation, feel the spring warmth and enjoy the fresh May smells, sounds and colours.  Thanks to Tripadvisor for the list.  Feel free taking your time reading the reviews and admiring the beauty right in our backyard.  Check out those perfect Canadian destinations here.

Do you often plan Canadian getaways in the spring?  Do you have your favourites?  Why do you choose spring to go explore the rest of Canada in?  Share with us your stories.  Let’s bring the community of Canada closer together!

It Takes a Village to Raise a Chive

Spring is officially on our doorsteps and the spring warmth is sure to come (hopefully).  Often the most favourite part of the year for ‘green-thumb’ gardeners, it’s time to prep your gardens for the 2018 growing season.  As one of the Green Committee Garden Talks, ‘It Takes a Village to Raise a Chive’ will take you into the miniature world of the gardening environment.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Chive by Chelsey Anderson – Wednesday, April 11th 6:30-8:00 (in the Go-Getters)

Chelsey Anderson and her famous gardener mother, Donna Balzar, have co-authored a new book. April 11th from 6:30 – 8:00($5 donation at the door)

It Takes a Village to Raise a Chive” will shine a light on all the critters who are truly responsible for growing the food in our urban gardens. During this talk you will learn how to encourage this “village” in your own gardens, meaning you can let nature take care of it! From microbes who feed your plants on demand, to robber flies who will eat almost any pest, to our native bumble bees who pollinate 1/3 of our crops; find out who does what and how you can employ them in your own edible backyard. Chelsey will have some autographed books on hand for sale.

Reserve your spot today by registering here and bring your donation to the door.

Coming this Spring @ WHCA

Spring is slowly arriving and so is the the warm weather.  It is finally apparent that the days are getting longer and we all know that means spring and summer activities are open for registration and beginning soon.  My favourite time of year, it’s time to plan some great activities for the warm season.  Are you wanting to get yourself, family or kiddos involved in some awesome sports and activities to fill their long days out-of-school?  Check out some of the activities that are currently open for registration and will start in spring.

WHCA Spring/ Summer Recreation 2018

For more information, contact or  Want to see what else is going on at WHCA for the month of March?  Check out our full website here.