West Hillhurst Pickleball Program 2024-2025

WHCA Pickleball Pricing
Pass type | Cost | Purchase |
Indoor 10x Punch card* | $72+gst | WHCA admin office |
Indoor 20X Punch card* | $110+gst | WHCA admin office |
Annual WHCA family membership* | $35+gst | In-office or online |
WHCA Outdoor court drop-in | $18/drop-in+gst | Fitness centre or call 403-283-0464 x1 |
For those new to pickleball, WHCA strongly recommends everyone learn the basics by taking a beginner class. A beginner class provides you with all the fundamentals you need to get started on your pickleball adventure – the basics of how to play the game, scoring, court positioning, and strategies. Upon completing the course please reach out and register for our program/waitlist. Beginner Classes are offered at many places around the city. YYC Pickleball Classes — YYC Pickleball, Calgary Pickleball Club How to get started with Pickleball – Calgary Pickleball Club
New or existing Players: You may send your information to Carla admin@westhillhurst.com who in turn will forward to the Coordinator. The Coordinator will confirm via email which group you are registered in.
*Please note WHCA does not offer drop-in pickleball. You must be part of the program to play.
Signup Genius: Signing up for the sessions will be done weekly, showing 6 days of possible playing.
Liability Form (must be signed before any pickleball play)
Code of Conduct (must be signed before any pickleball play)
Court Etiquette (please read before any pickleball play)
For more information please contact Carla admin@westhillhurst.com 403-283-0464 x 6