For updates, information, and schedules for the Calgary Interclub Squash Association, click here.
WHCA Interclub Pool
For WHCA Squash players looking to get involved in the competitive interclub teams, join our interclub pool! This is a way for us to have a pool of interested players our squash teams can pull from to fill positions for upcoming games. Playing on the interclub requires a personal commitment to the squash team.

Player requirements:
- Squash Alberta Membership
- WHCA Membership
- Able to make scheduled games
- share the cost of hosting home matches
- share the cost of team fees
- abide by the WHCA Code of Conduct
- abide by Calgary Interclub Squash League rules
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship on and off the court
We will make a sign-up sheet available at the front desk of the Squash & Fitness Centre. Interested players will be contacted by Dan Bowman or the Interclub Captains.