
Flood Preparedness

Flood Preparedness

Dear Community Representative,

As we approach flood season and the five-year anniversary of the 2013 Southern Alberta flood, we’d like to inform you of our plans for our 2018 flood readiness campaign, ask you to share some information with your community members, and update you about the actions we have taken to become a more flood resilient city.

River flooding can occur at any time in Calgary with little or no warning because of the short, steep distance the rivers travel from the mountains to Calgary. The period between May 15 and July 15 is when Calgary is most likely to experience river flooding due to the combination of snow melt and heavy rainfall events. We actively monitor river, weather and snow pack conditions to prepare for potential flooding. It is important to note that:

  • The most important factor is heavy rainfall upstream of Calgary. These events are challenging to forecast, with Calgary in close proximity to the mountains. We can usually see large rain events about 5-7 days in advance, but we may only have 24 hours (or less) to prepare.
  • A high snowpack alone does not cause our rivers to flood. The snowpack in the mountains has been higher than average this year, however with the lower spring temperatures in the mountains, the snow is melting slower than on the prairies.
  • At this point, the long-term forecast indicates this spring will be cooler than normal with normal precipitation. The City and Province continuously monitor for conditions that can develop into flood events.

Since 2013, together with the Province, we have committed more than $150 million towards projects that will reduce our risk of river flood damage. We have also strengthened our understanding of the flow of the Bow and Elbow Rivers, how rivers change, flood modelling, forecasting, preparedness and response.

While we have worked to reduce our risk of river flood damage, we cannot eliminate the risk of flooding entirely. River flooding impacts all Calgarians who live, work, commute or recreate in the city centre or along the Bow and Elbow Rivers.Citizens have a critical role to play in preparing for river flooding. Our 2018 Flood Readiness Campaign aims to educate Calgarians about how to understand their flood risk, be prepared and stay informed. Our campaign includes the following activities:

  • Disaster Alley (May 5)
  • Report to Calgarians airing May 14 to May 20
  • Flood season campaign launch media availability (week of May 14)
  • Flood Readiness open house for Bow River communities at Foothills Academy (May 15, 7pm)
  • Councillor Farkas’s Flood Readiness Townhall for Elbow River communities (May 17, 7pm)
  • Digital advertising, promotion and social media
  • Monthly City News blog posts (April – July),

o   snowpack and flood risk

o   personal preparedness

o   mitigation projects

o   climate change and flood risk

  • Biweekly Flood e-newsletter (May to July), including promotion to increase subscribers (sign up at
  • Video series featuring residents who have taken actions to become flood resilient to be featured in biweekly flood e-newsletter and online
  • Updates to flood website

Please contact Pamela Reid ( or 403 268-4004) if you have any questions.

Click Here for the 2018 Flood Preparedness Campaign 

Carolyn Bowen M.Sc.

Manager, Watershed Planning

Water Resources | The City of Calgary

Mail code #438 | PO Box 2100, Stn. M, Calgary AB, T2P 2M5

T 403.268.2509 | C 403.801.2074

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